Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Month in Review

We've had a busy summer.  Lot's has happened since our last post.  We've had lots of visitors, lots of trips to the zoo, aquarium, and museums, trips on the rail runner, baseball games and back to school prep.  So we'll do a quick recap. 

In July both my sisters visited and their trips overlapped for a couple days.  What do you do with 8 kids?  You take them to church, well kind of.  It helps that we have access to keys at the church.  One night we took all the kids, and did a pizza and movie night at the church.  Here's all the kiddos.
 Andrew, William, Zeona, Sarah, Megan, Logan, Elizabeth, Syndl

We used the big screen pulled up lots of chairs and settled in for Tangled. 

We also took a trip on the Rail Runner to Santa Fe.  Spent a couple hours there then returned home.  Megan had a great time and loved looking out the window.  She spent a good deal of the trip plastered to the window, until she finally gave in and took a nap. 

There's always a few minutes to relax.  What's a better way to relax than have a 4 year old walk on your back.

We squeezed in a few baseball games, and even stayed way past all of our bedtimes for fireworks one night.  We had to wake Logan up for the fireworks and Megan was so fascinated by them. 

Logan finished up his class at the zoo/aquarium.  And we went on some non-class days just for fun.  Megan likes to watch the fish so we spent some extra time at the fish tanks.   

Finally one last pre-birthday gift for Logan.  He's wanted to do a build a bear for years so this was finally the year.  He picked his bear, named him 'Friendship' and 'stuffed' him. 

 Here's Logan putting the bears heart in.... the bear a bath before picking clothes.... 
 ...dressing the bear, he choose a Cars 2 outfit for his bear.  A pajama set with Lighting McQueen slippers.
Logan and Friendship. He really loves that bear. 

Logan begins Kindergarten on Tuesday.  He's very excited.  His birthday is Sunday and we'll be having a Dino Bash Party on Sunday after church, I'll be preparing for that this week while Logan is in school.  Pictures coming soon.  

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