By the ticket stands they had this new display that was really cool. It was all lit up and filled with glass snowmen and penguins and other winter friends and it had a working train running through it. This was one of Logan's favorites.
Then there was the dinosaur, always a fun one.
The rhino was new this year and was very cool!
It was a very fun visit and not very crowded a huge plus!! We think it wasn't too crowded because we went the first week it was open and in the middle of the week, or a school night. But we enjoyed not having huge crowds to fight with so we are already planning to go early next year too. Thankfully the weather wasn't too cold either.
Not much else going on. Tomorrow (12/17) is Logan's last day of school for the year. He'll return on January 5th. He'll be a spider in the Christmas pageant, practice for that is Saturday, other then that we're just staying at home trying to stay warm., at least there's no snow predicted for the near future.