Sunday, October 31, 2010

Baby Girl Norton Arrives and Halloween

Well it took a little bit of convincing by induction but we finally had the baby. Megan Ann was born on October 18, 2010 at 10:51 pm. We started inductions around 4:45 pm that day and 6 hours later Megan was here. She weighed in at 8 lbs 9 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long.

Mom and baby are doing good 2 weeks into it. I'm off all meds I was on before. I'm no longer constantly nauseous and finally have my appetite back. Megan is doing well and sleeping in 3 hour stretches at night. We've had a few rough nights but for the most part it hasn't been too bad. I'll take a few sleepless nights anyday over throwing up for 9 months.

Logan's has been an excellent big brother, helping with diapers, playing and talking to her. Even though she was crying the first time they met.
Overall we're doing really well. We had friends bring us some dinners and I'm having a diaper shower this weekend. We should be well stocked after that.
Halloween snuck up on us this year. Logan and Dan went to the Zoo Boo yesterday. Logan trick or treated around the zoo. Megan and I didn't go but she was still dressed in her festive Halloween pumpkin outfit.

Logan was dressed up like a knight. We made the costume from grey sweats (the shinning armor) and a dressed up pillow case for the tunic. He helped make the crown and the sword and shield were bought at Hobby Lobby.

Up next Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Balloons, Fish and Flowers

It's October in NM that means it's the Balloon Fiesta. They always kick off the balloon fiesta by sending up balloons at a few elementary schools around the city the Friday before it starts. This year the school near us was chosen. So bright and early on October 1 we got up early and went to see it take off, since we most likely won't make it to the actually balloon fiesta this year.

This is the only picture of Logan I got. His exact words were, "Can't you just take pictures of the balloon and not of me" Hmmm wonder where he gets that from? Here's the rest of the balloon pictures, without Logan in them.

Today Logan and I took a long walk around the aquarium and botanical gardens. Here's some pictures of that trip. Logan had fun and got good exercise and I'm just hoping gravity takes effect at some point with the miles of walking I've done in the past few day.

Inside a giant pumpkin.

Sliding through a tree trunk.

With a giant ant.

Yes it's October and we're still in shorts.
So that's all from here. We see my doctor again on Wednesday, if baby doesn't come on it's own by this weekend, we'll schedule induction for next week sometime or maybe the weekend. Hopefully baby will decide to come on it's own and we won't need to be induced. That's what we're hoping anyway, but it seems like baby has other plans. Either way we'll post pictures after baby is born and when we're home.