Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Vacation

Logan had a little over 2 weeks off for Christmas vacation.  It started with freezing temperatures, fevers, colds and snow.  At least everyone got sick and got it out of the way before Christmas.  By the time Christmas Eve rolled around we were all better, mostly.  We went to church on Christmas Eve.  Logan and Megan participated in the pageant as sheep this year. 
 Ready for church on Christmas Eve. 

 Logan as a sheep. 

 Megan was a wandering sheep and didn't stay put well, she heard there were cookies after the pageant.

 Later that night, we hung up our stockings.

 Christmas morning, Santa had come. 

 This was the only gift Megan opened on her own.  She wasn't interested in other gifts after this one. 

 A Cinderella doll.

Logan asked Santa for a stuffed Lightning McQueen and Mater. 

 Logan opening his other big gift.  He asked for Lightning McQueen luggage. 
The rest of our vacation was spent at home or doing things close to home.  
 We did some reading......

 ....made messes.....

 .....went indoor/glow in the dark mini golfing with cousins.  Logan won with 79 strokes for an 18 hole mini golf course.  Probably won't go pro anytime soon.......

 ....more reading.....

...trips to the Zoo and Aquarium.

Logan returns to school tomorrow, Dan and I will celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary and Megan will play.  Sounds fun!