Sunday, September 12, 2010

Logan's Birthday--a little late.

We've had a really busy couple of weeks since Logan's party. I've been busy getting ready to teach a class of 20 people on Saturday and getting last minute things done before the baby comes. I've had Dr appointments every week. We've met with our doula and except for not remembering what floor is the maternity floor at the hospital we're pretty much ready.

Logan's birthday was weeks ago and it's taken me so long to get the pictures up. But here they are finally. Logan wanted to go to the zoo and ride the train so that's what we did. Both sets of Grandparents were able to join us and we had a nice day. After the zoo and nap, we went to my parents house for a BBQ, cake and presents.

Here we are on the train, Dan and Logan avoiding the camera as usual.

Logan riding the train.

Looking at the camels.

In front of the engine. It would seem that neither one of them wanted this picture taken.

Presents, Logan got lots of toys, puzzles, books, enough stuff to keep a 4 year old entertained.

I don't know who likes the train more, Logan or Dan.

Logan's zoo train cake. With the animals strategically placed by Logan.

One last picture taken Friday of Logan playing with Chase in his room. Good thing Chase is a patient little puppy with Logan. Poor Chase was wrapped up in Logan's blanket and Logan had the door barricaded with pillows so Chase couldn't get out, but he didn't seem to mind it too much.