Monday, July 5, 2010

A New Addition

No not the baby, not yet. We did however get a puppy. Not sure why I thought that would be a good idea considering I'm 6 months pregnant and still nauseous sometimes. But Dan and Logan wanted a puppy and he was just so cute. Dan and Logan named him Chase. He likes to chase Dan and Logan and Logan likes to chase him. He's super sweet and super cute. Our friend found him a few days ago and since she already has a house full of pets she couldn't keep him. So we offered to give him a good home. He isn't really house broken. He's had a couple accidents but he's also gone outside too. He's some sort of terrier mix. We'll know better when we take him to the vet for shots and to be fixed. The cats are not pleased, as can be expected. Cinderella doesn't seem to mind too much but Orbit is pretty mad and has spent the day in 'hiding'. Here are some pictures of Chase's first moments home.

Not much else is going on. We still have alot cleaning and sorting to go through in the baby's room. Fortunatly I'm feeling a little better and can do some of it. Though I can't lift a whole lot. We do a little every weekend and slowly but surely it's getting done.
Last weekend we went to see Toy Story 3 in the theaters. It was Logan's first movie in the theaters and he did really well. He did get a little scared during some of the louder parts but he said he enjoyed it. After the movie we stopped at the Disney store and Logan picked a Toy Story Toy to mark the event. He got Woody and Bullseye toys. He said he didn't want Buzz, knowing that he might change his mind we picked up a Buzz anyway and we're saving it for his birthday.
That seems to be all the new news here. New dog, new toys I guess that's all a 3 year old boy could ask for, as well as a 32 year old boy.