Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Retirement Party for Dennis

Dan's boss at Blue Sky Tours decided to retire and last night the company had a retirement party for employees and spouses at Sandia Resort and Casino. It was a really, nice place. We've been to the casino part before but haven't been since they added on the resort part of it.

There was a huge buffet of appetizers, they were very good. The desert buffet was huge-3 different kinds of chocolate cake, chocolate mousse, carrot cake, cherry cobbler, fresh fruit to go with the chocolate sauce and a couple more I can't remember now. We forgot to take the camera so we don't have any pictures.

Some of Dan's co-workers did a skit of Dennis at work that was so funny. It was a fun night. I forgot the camera but I did bring home some sugar packets that I thought was very cute for a casino. All the sugar packets had a different playing card on them. Too funny!

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