Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Early Birthday

Dan's parents, Don and Sue, were here visiting us this week and we took Logan to Toys R Us to pick a toy for his birthday from his grandparents. The first thing Logan picked was a blue ball, then he picked a Mickey Mouse coloring book that came with crayons. Then he got to pick some blocks. He had a bunch of choices, he chose the tow truck with mega blocks inside. We have a mega block fire truck already that it tows very nicely around the house. He also got a hooked on phonics set of books that comes with a cd and flashcards. I haven't had a chance to really look at it yet but it looks cool.

On the way home we saw a rainbow, and then it turned into a double rainbow. It lasted a really long time. The bottom rainbow was a full rainbow, you could see the entire arch and it ended at the foothills of the mountains. I don't think I've ever seen a full rainbow, they always just disapper into the clouds. I couldn't get a picture of the full rainbow but I got a few of the double rainbow. They're actually not bad pictures considering that they were taken through the windshield, while driving between windshield wiper swipes. It was a fun night and Logan likes his toys-especially his ball. It's the first thing he asked for this morning when he woke up.

Logan pushing his ball and tow truck to the check out in Toys R Us.

Pictures of the double rainbow.

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