Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tent Rocks

Dan had a day off this week and we had heard about a place called Tent Rocks. I had never heard of it in all the years I've lived here. But it's only about an hours drive NW of Albuquerque so we decided it would be a nice day trip. Julie is also in town visiting this week and when I told her we were going, she wanted to go too. So we all went. It was great weather not real hot. And it was a really nice monument. The rocks are shaped like tent, hints where the name came from. They were formed that way from a mix of volcanic eruptions and floods flowing through the area. So here are some pictures from it. The kids loved the many lizards and bug we encountered along the way, I think more than the rocks. Logan did great and walked the whole way except a steep, slippery part of the trail.

Here's Logan beginning the hike.

There were lots of cacti blooming.

Here's the four kiddos all together, Sarah, Andrew, Logan and Elizabeth.

Sarah and Logan holding hands while walking the trail.

Some scenic shots......

Dan and Logan.

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