Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January Update...

January has proved to be a very busy month.  Megan is getting very vocal and is close to rolling over. She's already rolled over from tummy to back a couple of times and is very close to rolling over from back to tummy.  She's finally on a schedule that seems to suit everyone and their schedules and she's made the big move to sleeping in her crib at night instead of in our room.  So far so good.  No favorite toy yet, though she is quite taken with any mirror. 
As for Logan he's still in school 2 days a week and we've added a preschool class at the zoo/aquarium/botanical gardens that meets once a week.  It's a 12 week session, we finished week 2 today.  His class meets for about an hour and a half every week and each week they learn about different plants, animals and fish in and around Africa.  We alternate locations each week, last week we meet at the aquarium, this week at the zoo.  There's about 25 kids in his class and he's been having a lot of fun and learning a lot.  The kids spend about 70 minutes leaning, singing songs and doing a craft about the topic of the day, then the rest of the class we go see the actual animal in it's zoo/aquarium habitat.  Plus the class ends right at lunch time so we pack a lunch and after the class, enjoy lunch then spend the rest of the day at the zoo or botanical garden or aquarium.  At least that's the hope, the past couple of weeks we've had some errands that needed taken care of, plus the weather's been a little chilly.  Last week he learned about zebra sharks, this week zebras and coming up we have:
  • Palm Trees/Date Palm and Mediterranean Fan Palm
  • Cobras (Mom's not excited about this class and is hoping that the keep the cobra in his cage and not bring him to the class)
  • Sea Stars
  • Rock Hyrax
  • African Plants of the Mediterranean Conservatory
  • Giraffes
  • Giant Clam
  • Vultures
  • Millipedes
  • Chimpanzees
The classes run through April so it should be a fun spring and the trips to the zoo will be much more enjoyable as the weather warms up. 

Here's some pictures from January:

 Megan playing in one of her toy mirrors...

 So close to rolling over, just another kick or two.

Here's some pictures from Logan's class today, zebra's were the topic. 

 Singing a song about zebras and counting, his teacher Miss Ann is in the middle. 

 Here they are walking, trotting and galloping like a zebra.

 Visiting the zebra exhibit at the end of class.

The craft for the day, a zebra mask. 

February proves to be just as busy for us.  In addition to Logan's activities, Megan will have her 4 month check up, I'm jumping back into doing stamping classes full time after about a year off from the pregnancy, I have 4 events booked for February already, and Dan and I will go see Wicked when it comes to ABQ for 3 weeks.  Lots going on, we'll keep you updated.    

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