Monday, December 15, 2008

Gingerbread house and tree

We had a busy busy weekend. Saturday we went to Dave Slade and Associate's client appreciataion party. They're the real estate company that sold our house last spring. So we went to Albuquerque Uptown, (an outdoor shopping center). They had the party in a restaurant there. They were doing door prize drawings for gingerbread houses that the agents made. There were 6 or 7 of them. We won one and got to pick our house. We let Logan pick his favorite and he chose this one.

In the parking lot of ABQ Uptown, we saw Santa walking to his car. He was nice enough to stop and say 'Hi' to Logan.
Sunday we put up our tree and spent Logan's nap time wrapping presents.

Hard to tell in the picture, but the tree is lit.
It's supposed to snow today/tonight so if we get a good amount I'll take pictures.

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