Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Day

Not that it matters too much to us, but it's official schools are closed today. We only got about an inch, maybe a tiny bit more at our house. But the news said that parts of ABQ had 2-3 inches. Here's what our backyard looked like at about 7AM.
Logan and I went to play in the snow after breakfast. Our plan was to make a snowman and we even took supplies out with us, a scarf, and other snowman essentials, but the snow is too powdery and doesn't hold together well. So we just played. Logan threw handfuls of snow at me. Then we followed some cat foot prints around the yard. We obviously had a visitor last night. Logan wouldn't let me take his picture. He doesn't like anyone to take pictures of him recently so the only pictures we get are the ones where he doesn't know we're taking them.
We're supposed to get more snow tomorrow and Thursday.
Logan saying "No Mommy, No Picture, NO NO NO!"

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