Saturday, August 22, 2009

3 years old, the zoo and a train

Friday was Logan's birthday. He's now officially 3. It's been a big week for him. He started preschool on Tuesday, turned 3 on Friday and tomorrow (Sunday 8/23) will be his first day of Sunday School at church. Until now he's spent all his time in the nursery, but now he is old enough to attended the kids Sunday School at church. Plus tomorrow is his birthday party.

Friday was also the day of the Zoo's Annual Members Picnic. Usually we pack dinners and eat there but since it was his birthday we went to the Route 66 Diner for dinner then to the zoo. Logan wanted to take his binoculars with him to the zoo to see the animals better.

This is the only shot I got of any animals. The jaguar, perhaps a little too relaxed on the tree?


Saturday we took the Rail Runner to Santa Fe. The Rail Runner is a fairly new commuter train and we've been wanting to ride it for a while. It took about an hour and a half to get to SF on the train but it was fun. The train going was packed, due to the Indian Market being this weekend on the Plaza in SF. But luckily we weren't going to the Plaza, since I'm sure it was packed. We went to the SF train depot where every Saturday morning they have a huge farmers market and some crafts. Logan helped pick out some cucumbers, we tasted some watermelon juice and got a huge loaf of homemade fresh bread. After lunch at the newly opened Flying Star we hoped back on the train, not as packed this time and went back to ABQ. We got to ride on the upper level coming back, which was really cool.

This is the train we got off, leaving the ABQ station.

Logan on the train, getting ready to go back to ABQ.

Mommy and Logan.

Logan wearing Mommy's sunglasses.

Logan and Daddy, enjoying the ride.

Here are some pictures Logan took by himself.

Dan's Parents.

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